
Events of 2024

Event 16

The national flag hoisted adjacent to Golf Green office premises on 15th August 2024 by Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, Hon’ble President of Aarjava Welfare Society alongwith two thalassaemic patient Sk. Khurshid Alam and Km. Parineeta Mondal followed by national anthem. Financial donations also handed over to those underpreviliged patients by the President of organization. Smt. Sukla Das Vice-President, Sri Sudip Chatterjee, Treasurer, Sri Srijit Mitra, Sri Debkamal Mondal, Sri Chandra Mohan Roy and Sri Tapan Dasgupta, Councilor, Ward No. 95, Kolkata Municipal Corporation and few local well-wishers were present there in the event on account of celebration of 78th Independence Day of India. At the very beginning, the Secretary of organization Sri Chiranjib Goswami deliverd a short speech and gave thanks to everyone for their warm presence on the event.

Events of 2023

Event 15 - 10th Anniversary Celebration

With the gracious presence of our Hon’ble Minister-in-charge, Department of Agriculture & Parliamentary Affairs (Govt. of WB), Shri Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay and the President of AWS Shri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty along with other dignitaries and press, on 9th September 2023, we’ve relaunched our website –, this evening at the prestigious Press Club Kolkata.

Also we took an important initiative called ‘ Sapath’ ( শপথ ) to prevent Thalassaemia through performing free Thalassaemia screening tests of marriageable girls and boys of underprivileged sections of the society hailing from remote villages who lacks the access and money for the same.

Please visit the website and support us for the upcoming events. Now donation (Tax exemption available) is just a click away.

We earnestly need your help to continue supporting the destitutes.

Event 14

National Flag hoisting to celebrate the 77th Independence Day by Smt. Sukla Das (Hon’ble Vice President ) in presence of Sri Tapan Dasgupta (Councillor Ward 95, KMC) and other members of AWS.

Events of 2022

Event 12

National Flag hoisting on account of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava, the 76th Independence Day of India was done by Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, Hon’ble President of Aarjava Welfare Society with two underprivileged Thalassaemic patient Sk. Khurshid Alam & Km. Sraboni Debnath in presence of Sri Chiranjib Goswami, Secretary, AWS, Sri Tapan Dasgupta, Councillor Ward 95, KMC and other members of Aarjava.

Event 11

An urban blood donation camp and Thalassaemia awareness program was organized by Aarjava at Tollygunje Boys club , Kolkata, west Bengal. Member cum speaker Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharyya, Hemato-oncologist, discussed about Thalassaemia prevention. About 62 people voluntarily donated blood at this camp. Respectable dignitaries like Sri Bibhash Chakraborty, Sri Meghnad Bhattacharya, Smt. Thankamani Kutty, Smt. Sima Mukhopadhyay, Sri Jayanta Narayan Chattopadhyay, Sri Tapan Dasgupta were present along with our president Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty.

Event 13

Aarjava Welfare Society from its very inception has been working continuously for the downtrodden people of remote areas of Bengal. Despite a lot of impediments and counterchecks, we have been steadily moving towards making a world beautiful for the people who are deprived of even the basic facilities of life. In this journey, we have reached out to the children suffering from thalassaemia. Now, on 26 November, 2022 we endeavoured our journey towards a new goal. We organised a breast cancer awareness and free early breast lump detection/screening camp at phase IVB Community Hall, Golf Green. The first day has been inspiring with a lot of voluntary presence. Mr. Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, actor and president of Aarjava said, ‘The dream with which we started Aarjava will go ahead, despite all the obstacles we face. We step into a new endeavor from today. And we will be moving ahead and this is what we promise ourselves’. Secretary Chiranjib Goswami has said, ‘We want to ensure a safe and healthy world for women. For the growth of society, healths of women are of utmost importance. That is the point where we have initiated this effort.’ Actress Mithu Chakrabarty has said, ‘ Aarjava has always been working for social causes. They face a lot of hindrances. Yet their spirit is indomitable.’ Prof. Dr. Aloke Dasgupta, HOD, Department of Radio Oncology, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research and S.S.K.M Hospital, Kolkata, gave a lucid speech on awareness of breast cancer . This was followed by a free breast lump detection screening by lady technician of SUADHA NGO, Mumbai.

Events of 2020

Event 10

As a part of our constant effort to stand by the lower socioeconomic group of people who are affected mostly due to covid19 pandemic, we took an initiative to distribute new garments and Sarees among underprivileged children and needy elderly women in remote villages of Birbhum district of West Bengal on 17th October 2020 just before the festive season of Durgapuja. Members of the organization handed over the garments to approximately 200 beneficiaries who ushered their blessings upon Aarjava.

Event 9

A three day long Drama Festival was organized by Aarjava Welfare Society at Niranjan  Sadan, Bijoygarh from 17th  to 19th  January 2020 to generate revenue in order to support the  underprivileged  Thalassaemic children financially throughout the year. Chief Adviser for the event was Sri Meghnad Bhattacharya along with Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, Hon’ble President of the organization. The festival was inaugurated by renowned actor Padmashree Smt. Sabitri Chatterjee in presence of Sri Aroop Biswas, Hon’ble  Minister of Public Works Dept., Youth Service & Sports Dept., Govt. of West Bengal, Sri Tapan Dasgupta, Chairman, Borough X Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Smt. Tanushree Shankar, Sri Arindam Ganguly, Sri Gaurav Chakrabarty, Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharyya, Heamto- Oncologist & President of Aarjava Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty. The welcome speech given by Sri Chiranjib Goswami, Secretary of AWS followed by an opening song by Smt. Aitijhya Roy & Sri Sourya  Chowdhury. The three leading theatre group of India – Charbak (prodn. “Bheeti O Shubechchha”, Laed actors Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, Arindam Ganguly, Kheyali Dastidar, Gaurav Chakrabarty), Purbo Paschim (prodn. “Potol Babu Film Star‟, Lead actors Sanjib Sarkar, Chhanda Chatterjee) & Sayak (prodn. “Bhaalo Lok‟, Lead actor Meghnad Bhattacharya, Aruna Mukherjee) participated in the festival. A wrap-up speech has given by Sri Meghnad  Bhattacharya on the last day. Aarjava  handed over donations to few poor Thalassaemic children from different districts of West Bengal respectively in these festival days. The entire festival was hosted by Anita Roy & Chiranjib Goswami.

Events of 2019

Event 8

Aarjava Welfare Society took initiative to conduct a Health Checkup program & to provide financial support for the nutritional and educational upliftment for the underprivileged Thalassaemic patients from different districts of West Bengal & Assam on 9th June 2019, Sunday in presence of Sri Tapan Dasgupta, Borough – X Chairman, KMC, Sri Meghnad Bhattacharya, Sri Arindam Ganguly, Sri Phalguni Chatterjee & Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty The Hon’ble President of organization. In addition, a health checkup program for the Thalassaemic patients was done by Dr. Souvik Sardar, member of Aarjava.

Event 7

With a noble thought to help the thalassemic children and poor people of the society, a fund raising 4-day long Drama Festival was organized by Aarjava at Niranjan Sadan, Bijoygarh, Kolkata from 9th to 12th  January 2019. This ambitious project was inspired by our Chief Adviser Sri Meghnad Bhattacharya (well-known Actor/Director) and guided by actpr Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, Hon’ble President of the organization. The event was inaugurated by renowned theatre personality Sri Bibhash Chakraborty & Sri Rudra Prasad Sengupta along with Sri Tapan Dasgupta, Chairman, KMC Borough X , Sri Arindam Ganguly and Sri Gaurav Chakrabarty (actors),  Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharya Heamto-Oncologist. Sri Chiranjib Goswami, the Secretary of AWS briefed about the mission of Aarjava in his opening speech followed by an opening song by Sri Debangshu Mukherjee. The four leading bengali theatre groups-  Charbak (prodn. Chitey Gur, Lead actors Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, Arindam Ganguly, Kheyali Dastidar, Gaurav Chakrabarty), Mukhomukhi (prodn. Ghatak Biday, Lead actors Soumitra Chattopadhyay, Poulami Chattopadhyay, Anirban Chakraborty), Rangroop (prodn. Jolchhobi, Lead actors Chitra Sen, Seema Mukherjee, Bimal Chakraborty) & Sayak (prodn. Daibaddhaa, Lead actor Meghnad Bhattacharya, Aruna Mukherjee) performed before a packed auditorium respectively on 4 days of festival. On last day of the festival , a closing speech was given by Sri Meghnad Bhattacharya who also handed over donation amount to some thalassaemic children on behalf of Aarjava WelfareSociety. The entire festival was hosted beautifully by Smt. Manisha Bhattacharjee.

Events of 2018

Event 6

On 12th May 2018 – Aarjava organized a Thalassaemia Awareness Camp & a financial support program for some underprivileged Thalassaemic & Leukemia patients from different parts of West Bengal. The event  saw the presence of Sri Tapan Dasgupta, Chairman, Borough X of KMC, Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty, President of Aarjava Welfare Society, Sri Meghnad Bhattacharya, Director/Actor of drama team Sayak, Sri Arindam Ganguly, Director/Actor of drama team Charbak, Sri Rahul Arunodoy Bandyopadhyay, well known Actor and Sri Debanjan Chatterjee, Actor. Our member Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharyya, Hemato oncologist made everyone aware about the disease and the precautionary measures for Thalassaemia.

Events of 2017

Event 5

Aarjava Welfare Society celebrated the International Thalassaemia Day – The 8th May 2017 by arranging medical and financial help for the treatment and education of sixteen under privileged Thalassaemic children from different districts of West Bengal. The event was made successful by the presence of veteran Actor-Director-Theatre personality Sri Dwijen Bandyopadhyay,  Kolkata Municipal Corporation Chairman of Borough – X Sri  Tapan  Dasgupta, noted actors & theatre personalities Sri Arindam Ganguly & Smt. Kheyali Dastidar . The presence and participation of the people of Golf Green & its adjacent areas were overwhelming.

Event 4

AARJAVA organised a  BLOOD DONATION CAMP, HEALTH CHECK-UP & PATIENT CARE PROGRAM ON 19 MARCH 2017 for the Aid of underprivileged Thalassaemic Patients in memory of one of the Founder Member of the Society Lt. Abhishek Das. The program was  inaugurated by Hon’ble Cabinet Minister Sri  Shobhandeb Chattopadhyay, Dept. of Power & Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Govt. of West Bengal and was presided by Sri Tapan Dasgupta, Chairman, Borough – X, Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Dr. Seikh Jinner Ali, Chairman, Anti Human Trafficking Committee, Govt. of India, Dr. Shyamal Mukherjee, Secretary, Indian Red Creoss Society, Smt. Kheyali Dastidar, Actor/Director/Theatre personality and other distinguished guests along with people from press media. Common people from the adjacent area as well as our President, actor Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty and other members of the AARJAVA took active part as volunteers in donating blood in this camp.

Events of 2016

Event 3

On 24th  September 2016  Aarjava Welfare Society handed over a token amount to the under privileged Thalassaemia affected kids from different districts of West Bengal for their treatment, nutrition and education purpose at Golf Green, Phase IVB community hall in presence of local residents and some eminent guests, press media & the then Chairman Borough X of Kolkata Municipal Corporation,Sri Tapan Dasgupta.

Event 2

The success of the last event inspired us to take an ambitious fundraising  socio – cultural program, on 25th June, 2016 at Rabindra Sadan, Kolkata. Aarjava reached out to some of the spirited kids who are affected by Thalassaemia and are from the lowest income segment of the society. They were handed over a token amount of money to support their treatment and education and to give them the confidence that Aarjava is beside them for any further requirements with all their strength.  This program, to generate revenue for the aid of Thalassaemic children will also be remembered for the glittering presence of some of the kind hearted, respectable persons from the society, naming a few , Sri Sabyasachi Chakrabarty (Currently the President of the Society), Sri Arindam Ganguly (eminent Actor and play-writer), Sri Meghnad Bhattacharya(eminent Actor & play -writer) , Dr. Prabodh G. Dhar Chakraborty, Retd. IAS. On this evening a musical play written by Sri Chiranjib Goswami (Secretary) and jointly performed by the members of the Charbak Theatre Group & Aarjava themed on thalassemia awareness was staged. This was followed by a Jugalbandi of songs and poetry recitation by Sri Srikanta Acharya, Smt. Lopamudra Mitra and  Sri Srijato Bandopadhyay. The program was hosted by Smt. Manisha Bhattacharjee.

Event 1

With an oath to eradicate Thalassemia , Aarjava Welfare Society (AWS) joined hands with a well-known reputed organization “The Thalassaemia Society of India” for this event and on the eve of the “World Thalassaemia Day” (8th May, 2016), Aarjava reached out to few under privileged Thalassaemic children with financial help to give some relief to their families from the burden of recurrent treatment cost.

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